Ruby on Rails and React MVP of a subscription-based e-commerce for pet toys


"They offered valuable advice during the process and were always willing to collaborate with us."

Hernán Massau

About Chewchoo

DHNN is a renowned design agency in Argentina. They worked with companies such as IBM, AVON, YPF, Telecom, and many more. We partnered up with them on this project for an undisclosed client from Kuwait providing the development team, while DHNN provided their design team.

ChewChoo! is a subscription-based e-commerce for pet toys. People can subscribe to different plans to receive a box of treat bags and plush toys for their dogs every month.

The Challenge

The first challenge was coordination. The client wanted the MVP to be finished within 3 months and the deadline was tight enough for the amount of work to do.

The second challenge was to implement DHNN’s beautiful designs into a fully functional website and to integrate it with third-party services such as Telr (payment gateway) and Huboo (order fulfillment).

The Solution

A good part of the work was to advise DHNN on what was the best architecture and infrastructure for the project to be completed on time, make it scalable and reliable as it grows, and validate user flows and user stories.

To finish the application on time and budget we decided the architecture of the application to be a hybrid Ruby on Rails/React application. That is, instead of building a Ruby on Rails API and a full React frontend (ala create-react-app), build a standard Ruby on Rails application with specific React components for components that need to be highly responsive UX-wise.

Regarding the process, and given the tight deadline, the development team started working at the same time as the design team. Many iterations were needed to implement the designs as they changed. In parallel, our QA team started designing the test cases and automating them with Cypress.

screenshot of the app

The Outcome

The application was completed in 3 months and a second phase with more features was started soon after the MVP was completed. Working with DHNN for the first time was a pleasant experience and we couldn’t be happier with the results!

screenshot of the app

"They are great guys to work with. And of course, they have great technical skills. They offered valuable advice during the process and were always willing to collaborate with us."

Hernán Massau


Ruby on Rails
React Logo

